31Oct 2019

SOME/IP报文-Message ID

Message ID [32 Bit]

The Message ID is a 32 Bit identifier that is used to dispatch the RPC call to a method of an application and to identify an event. The Message ID has to uniquely identify a method or event of a service.
Message  ID是一个32位标识符,用于将RPC调用分派给应用程序的method并识别event 。 Message  ID必须能唯一标识service的method或event。

The assignment of the Message ID is up to the user; however, the Message ID has to be unique for the whole system (i.e. the vehicle). The Message ID can be best compared to a CAN ID and should be handled with a comparable process. The next section describes how structure the Message IDs in order to ease the organization of Message IDs.
Message ID的分配取决于用户; 然而,对于整个系统(即车辆),消息ID必须是唯一的。 消息ID可以与CAN ID进行比较,并且应该使用类似的过程进行处理。 下一节将介绍如何构建Message ID以便简化Message ID的组织。

In order to structure the different methods, events, and fields, they are clustered into services. Services have a set of methods, events, and fields as well as a Service ID, which is only used for this service.
为了构造不同的method, event和field ,它们被聚集到service中。 service具有一组method , event和field以及services ID,该ID仅用于此service。

Service ID [16 Bit]

Service-IDs shall be of type 16 bit length unsigned integer (uint16).

The Service-ID of 0xFFFE shall be used to encode non SOME/IP services.
Service-ID=0xFFFE用来编码非SOME / IP服务。

Different services within the same vehicle shall have different Service-IDs.

Method ID [16 Bit]

Methods and events shall be identified inside a service using a 16bit Method-ID, which is called Event-ID for events and notifications.
Method和event应在service内部使用16位Method ID来识别,对Event和notification来说,称为Event ID 

29Oct 2019


SOME/IP shall be transported using UDP and TCP based on the configuration. When used in a vehicle the ports used shall be specified in the Interface Specification.
根据配置使用UDP和TCP传输SOME/IP。 在车辆中使用时,所使用的端口应在Interface Specification中指定。

If an ECU needs to dynamically use a port number, it shall follow the rules of IETF and IANA for that: 如果ECU需要动态使用端口号,则它应遵循IETF和IANA的规则:

Ephemeral ports from range 49152-65535 •范围为49152-65535 端口

If not specified otherwise by the Interface Specification (i.e. FIBEX or ARXML), the SOME/IP implementation may use port 30491 as SOME/IP dynamic client port and the port 30501 as first SOME/IP server port. For further server instances the ports 30502, 30503, and so on may be used.
如果没有通过Interface Specification (即FIBEX或ARXML)进行规定,则SOME / IP实现可以使用端口30491作为SOME / IP动态客户端端口,并将端口30501作为第一个SOME / IP服务器端口。 对于更多的服务器实例,可以使用端口30502,30503等。

The IP addresses and port numbers an ECU shall use, shall be taken from the Interface Specification.
ECU应使用的IP地址和端口号应取自Interface Specification 。

The client shall take the IP address and port number the server announces using SOME/IP-SD 客户端需要使用服务端通过SOME / IP-SD发布的IP地址和端口号。

SOME/IP-SD currently uses port 304901 but this shall be over written if another port number is specified in the Interface Specification. 如果在Interface Specification中指定了另一个端口号,那么SOME / IP-SD当前使用端口号304901将被改写。

The port 304902 (UDP and TCP as well) shall be only used for SOME/IP-SD and not used for applications communicating over SOME/IP. 端口304902(UDP和TCP)只能用于SOME / IP-SD,不能用于通过SOME / IP进行通信的应用程序

It is recommended to use UDP for as many messages as possible and see TCP as fall-back for message requiring larger size. UDP allows the application to better control of timings and behavior when errors occur. 建议为尽可能多的消息使用UDP,并将TCP看作需要更大消息的低效方式。 UDP允许应用程序在错误发生时更好地控制时序和行为。

20Oct 2019

ANDi基于Ironpython, 是Python在DotNet上的实现。在ANDi里用Python来编写以太网代码,非常简单。

让我们先用ANDi发出第一个以太网报文:Hello World!


from globals import * 

#create IPV4 message object

#parameterize the ethernet layer 

#parameterize the payload 
msg_eth.payload=System.Array[Byte](bytearray("Hello, World!"))



Sender和Receiver分别指用来发出或接收报文的网络适配器。在ANDi的Adapters Configuration里进行设置。Sender和Receiver这个名字可以按需要修改,将其映射到具体的网络适配器即可。


Payload设置时,需将Hello, World!由字符串变成字符数组。


20Oct 2019

The basic motivation to specify “yet another Client/Server and Sender/Receiver mechanism“ instead of using an existing infrastructure/technology is the goal to have a technology that:

  • Fulfills the hard requirements regarding resource consumption in an embedded world
  • Is compatible through as many use-cases and communication partners as possible  
  • compatible with AUTOSAR at least on the wire-format level; i.e. can communicate with PDUs AUTOSAR can receive and send without modification to the AUTOSAR standard. The mappings within AUTOSAR shall be chosen according to the SOME/IP specification.
    至少在wire-format上与AUTOSAR兼容; 如AUTOSAR标准无需修改即可接收和发送能与之通信的PDU。应根据SOME / IP规范选择AUTOSAR中的映射。
  • Provides the features required by automotive use-cases
  • Is scalable from tiny to large platforms
  • Can be implemented on different operating system (i.e. AUTOSAR, GENIVI, and OSEK) and even embedded devices without operating system
30Sep 2019

自2019年10月1日起,Lars Völker加入Technica Engineering GmbH,任职Technical Fellow。

Lars Völker毕业于卡尔斯鲁厄工业大学,并取得计算机科学博世学位。2010年加入宝马,一直从事车载以太网相关的工作。

Lars Völker是将以太网应用到汽车领域的核心人物之一。他所擅长的领域包括:

  1. 基于车载以太网的私密性
  2. 私密性整车架构
  3. 基于车载以太网和IP的通信协议
  4. 定义车载以太网Switch的需求和标准化。支持半导体公司设计车载以太网Switch
  5. 是SOME/IP和SOME/IP-SD规范的发明者和维护者

24Sep 2019

Nowadays, Automotive industry meets the following challenge当前,汽车业面临如下的挑战

• Automotive Ethernet has conquered the modern E/E vehicle network. The challenges arises during test and validation without interfering with the network timing. Now Automotive Ethernet has conquered the modern E/E vehicle network, this challenge gets even bigger when reliable capturing of AVB/TSN with the need for diagnostics protocols to be sent to the DUTs during run-time.
可靠地捕获AVB / TSN流量,而不干扰网络时序是测试和验证过程中的挑战。随着汽车以太网进入了现代E / E车辆网络,可靠地捕获AVB / TSN流量使得这一挑战变得更大,尤其是在需要在运行时发送诊断报文到被测对象。
• The future brings connected and self-driving cars, for which an unprecedented amount of data is required. One technology soon to hit the road that addresses this challenge is Automotive Gigabit Ethernet.
互联和自动驾驶是汽车的未来,需要前所未有的大量数据。 很快就能应对这一挑战的一项技术是汽车千兆以太网。
• In the Era of autonomous driving one key challenge for the test and validation is the reliable capture of relevant in-vehicle-traffic from different communication technologies,e.g. conventional CAN bus, as well as CAN-FD, FlexRay and RS-232
• For the Body-Domain, the classic analogue signals and the cost efficient LIN Bus are still important technologies.

Technica Engineering released IVN2Eth Capture Module family , which is specifically designed to solve these problems and many more, such as:
Technica Engineering公司发布了IVN2Eth Capture Module,以专门用于解决这些问题,例如:
• Implement innovative PLP protocol
• It starts-up faster than the DUT’s whose traffic it will capture
• Special design to make sure no packet loss
• The traffic is delivered with hardware time stamp.
• Several devices can be used on the same setup, and when other IVN technologies are present, the in-built-synchronization using 802.1AS allows for simultaneous use with the other “IVN2Eth Capture Modules”.
同一个环境可以使用多个设备,并使用内置的802.1AS协议与其他“IVN2Eth Capture Module”同步。
• Many additional features make this device appropriate for general-purpose testing.

12Jun 2019


CCA9010能够实现25Gbit/s的实时数据记录,通过级联,能够实现75Gbit/s的数据记录。同时可选地配备16T和64T的SSD硬盘。配套的Copy Station也随之发布。

01Jan 2019

We are proud to present our new Research and Development Expertise Reference Center, based in Barcelona – Technica Electronics!
我们非常自豪地宣布成立我们位于巴塞罗那新的研发和开发技术参考中心-Technica Electronics!

We’ve told you, we are committed to developing more and more complex and strategical devices for the automotive industry. The Automotive World is in need for higher bandwidth in the modern car architecture.

For the last 11 years, we have been meeting the expectations with cutting-edge vehicle communication technology. Stay tuned, better and innovative news are to come.

Regards from Munich area, Barcelona and Sfax!