26Mar 2020

Basic Concept

  • 作为与传统车载总线不同的通信方式,以太网具有自身的特点:
    • 传输速度快
    • 点对点通信
  • 点对点的通信方式,是以太网非常鲜明的特点。在开发和测试工作中,针对以太网也需要用不同的方式去考虑如何配置相应的工具。
    • Media Converting
    • Test Access Point

Media Converting



  • 100Base-T1和100Base-Tx之间物理层全双工转换
  • 不存储或修改任何数据包。
  • 具有极大的可靠性。


Test Access Point

Technica针对TAP的需求,从2012年开始 ,开发了多种模块,可以满足各种场景的需要。

12 x 100BASE-T1
3 x 1000BASE-Tx
1 x SFP

CM Eth Combo
2 x 2 x 100Base-T1
1 x 2 x 1000Base-T1
1000Base-T (Logging/Cascading)

CM 100 high
6 x 2 x 100Base-T1
1000Base-T (Logging/Cascading)

CM 100 high
6 x 2 x 1000Base-T1
10G SFP+ (Logging)


Technica 2012年发布的MediaGateway,MediaGatway功能强大,其中的一个功能,便是能在第二层上实现TAP。


应用案例2 Latency

Technica 2019年发布的Capture Module,能在物理层上实现TAP。
如下图所示,CM 100 High,能同时监听两路信号,一路从摄像头到控制器,一路从控制器到仪表,从而实现延迟测试。 测试设置简单高效。

应用案例3 Packet Loss

下面的例子,CM 1000 High,通过1000BASE-T1 SPY Mini模块,得到来自激光雷达的T1信号,并获得时间戳以及消息数量,并将报文无修改的发送给控制器。控制器可以提供获得的消息的数量,从而实现丢包测试。

06Mar 2020

Publish/Subscribe with link loss at client (figure ignoring timings)

Publish/Subscribe Registration/Deregistration behavior (figure ignoring timings)

Publish/Subscribe with link loss at Server (figure ignoring timings)

Publish/Subscribe State Diagram (server behavior for unicast eventgroups)

Publish/Subscribe State Diagram (server behavior for multicast eventgroups

Publish/Subscribe State Diagram (server behavior for adaptive unicast/multicast eventgroups)

Publish/Subscribe Example for Endpoint Options and the usage of ports

  • Example
  • following Figure shows an example with the different Endpoint and a Multicast Option:
    下图展示了一个例子,使用不同的Endpoint和Multicast Option
    • The Server offers the Service Instance on Server UDP-Endpoint SU and Server TCP-Endpoint ST
      服务器提供了一个服务实例,通过UDP-Endpoint (简称SU) 和 TCP-Endpoint ST(简称ST)
    • The Client opens a TCP connection
    • The Client sends a Subscribe Eventgroup entry with Client UDP-Endpoint CU (unicast) and a Client TCP-Endpoint CT
      客户端发送一个Subscribe Eventgroup entry,带有客户端UDP-Endpoint (unicast)(简称CU)和一个客户端TCP-Endpoint (简称CT)
    • The Server answers with a Subscribe Eventgroup Ack entry with Multicast MU
      服务器通过多播option(简称MU)回复一个Subscribe Eventgroup Ack entry
  • Then the following operations happen:
    • The Client calls a method on the Server
    • Request is sent from CU to SU and Response from SU to CU
    • For TCP this would be: Request dyn to ST and RESPONSE from ST to CT
    • The Server sends a Unicast UDP Event: SU to CU
      服务器端发送一个Unicast UDP Event:到客户端:SU到CU
    • The Server sends a Unicast TCP Event: ST to CT
      服务器端发送一个Unicast TCP Event到客户端: ST到CT.
    • The Server sends a Multicast UDP Event: SU to MU
      服务器端发送一个Multicast UDP Event到客户端:SU到MU
  • Keep in mind that Multicast Endpoints use a Multicast IP Address on the receiver side,i.e. the client, and TCP cannot be used for Multicast

05Mar 2020
  • If the Service Discovery Module receives an OfferService Entry, the following step(s) shall be performed in the following order:
    如果服务发现模块收到OfferService entry,则应按以下顺序执行以下步骤:
    • If received TTL is not equal to the max value, update the timer by the received TTL value.
    • Open TCP connection if SdClientServiceTcpRef is configured and was not opened before.
  • Note注意:
    The amount of separate Service Discovery messages shall be reduced, i.e.: Combine as much information as possible into one Service Discovery message before calling the Socket Adaptor’s transmit API. 应减少单独的Service Discovery消息的数量,即:在调用套接字适配器的传输API之前,将尽可能多的信息合并到一个服务发现消息中。
  • If an OfferService entry was received and its TTL timer did not expire yet, the associated Socket Connections are in state SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE in the Main phase:
    如果在主阶段收到OfferService entry且其TTL计时器尚未到期,相关的套接字连接处于状态SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE:
    • If the client service has not been reported as SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_AVAILABLE:
      • the API SoAd_EnableSpecificRouting() shall be called with SdClientServiceActivationRef (see SdConsumedMethods) and the relevant Socket Connections for this Client Service Instance.
        应使用SdClientServiceActivationRef(请参阅SdConsumedMethods)和此客户端服务实例的相关套接字连接来调用API SoAd_EnableSpecificRouting()。
      • SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_AVAILABLE shall be indicated to the BswM module by calling the API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState().
        应通过调用API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState()向BswM模块指示SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_AVAILABLE。
  • If an OfferService entry was received and its TTL timer did not expire yet, the associated Socket Connections are in state SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE in the Main phase:
    如果在主阶段收到OfferService entry且其TTL计时器尚未到期,且相关的套接字连接处于状态SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE:
    • For each currently requested Consumed Eventgroup of this Client Service Instance (Consumed Eventgroups are requested using Sd_ConsumedEventGroupSetState() and with state SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_REQUESTED or automatically on startup if SdConsumedEventGroupAutoRequire is configured to true), the following shall be done in exactly this order:
      对于此客户端服务实例的每个当前请求的Consumed Eventgroup (使用Sd_ConsumedEventGroupSetState()和状态SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_REQUESTED请求Consumed Eventgroups ,或者如果SdConsumedEventGroupAutoRequire配置为true,则在启动时自动启用),以下内容应按以下顺序完成:
      • StopSubscribeEventgroup entry shall be sent out, if the last SubscribeEventgroup entry was sent as reaction to an OfferService entry received via Multicast, it was never answered with a SubscribeEventgroupAck, and the current OfferService entry was received via Multicast.
        如果最后一个SubscribeEventgroup entry作为对OfferService entry的响应而发送,它从未通过SubscribeEventgroupAck被回复,并且当前的OfferService entry是通过Multicast接收的,则发送StopSubscribeEventgroup entry。
      • A SubscribeEventgroup entry shall be sent out.
        然后发送SubscribeEventgroup entry。
  • Note:
    • The transmission of a response to an Offer received via multicast shall be delayed with the configured delay.
    • When the request response delay elapses before the associated Socket Connections are in state SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE, the StopSubscribeEventgroup and SubscribeEventgroup shall be delayed until the Socket Connections are online and shall not be considered as reaction to an OfferService entry received via Multicast.
      当在关联的套接字连接处于SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE状态之前请求响应延迟已经结束,StopSubscribeEventgroup和SubscribeEventgroup将被延迟,直到Socket Connections在线,并且不应被视为对通过Multicast接收的OfferService entry的反应。
    • When the request response delay elapses while the ClientService is in state RELEASED, there shall be no response to this Offer entry.
      当ClientService处于RELEASED状态时,如果请求响应延迟已经结束,则不会对此Offer entry 做出响应。
  • When the Client Service is reported as SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState() :
    当通过调用API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState()将客户端服务向BswM报告为SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN:
    • The API SoAd_DisableSpecificRouting() shall be called with SdClientServiceActivationRef (see SdConsumedMethods) and the relevant Socket Connections for this Client Service Instance.
      应使用SdClientServiceActivationRef(请参阅SdConsumedMethods)和此客户端服务实例相关的套接字连接去调用API SoAd_DisableSpecificRouting()。
  • If a StopSubscribeEventgroup and SubscribeEventgroup for the same Eventgroup (i.e. same Service ID, Instance ID, Eventgroup ID, Counter, and Major Version) have to be sent out, these entries have to be directly after each other in the same SD message (no entry between them).
    • StopSubscribeEventgroup entry shall be sent out, if the last SubscribeEventgroup entry was sent as reaction to an OfferService entry received via Multicast, it was never answered with a SubscribeEventgroupAck, and the current OfferService entry was received via Multicast.
      如果发送最后一个SubscribeEventgroup entry是用来响应OfferService entry,但从没有收到SubscribeEventgroupAck,且这个OfferService entry是以Multicast接收到的,则StopSubscribeEventgroup entry需要被发送。
    • A SubscribeEventgroup entry shall be sent out .
      然后发送SubscribeEventgroup entry。
  • If the Service Discovery Module receives a SubscribeEventgroupAck fitting this Consumed Eventgroup for the first time after this Consumed Eventgroup was requested, the following step(s) shall be performed in the following order:
    如果服务发现模块在请求此Consumed Eventgroup后第一次收到适合此Consumed Eventgroup的SubscribeEventgroupAck,则应按以下顺序执行以下步骤:
    • Use the information of the Multicast Option (if existing) to set up relevant Multicast Information in SoAd (see SoConId related to SdConsumedEventGroupMulticastActivationRef).
      使用Multicast Option (如果存在)的信息在SoAd中设置相关的多播信息(请参阅与SdConsumedEventGroupMulticastActivationRef相关的SoConId)。
    • Call the API SoAd_RequestIpAddrAssignment() using the IP address received by the SubscribeEventgroupAck message.
      使用SubscribeEventgroupAck消息接收的IP地址调用API SoAd_RequestIpAddrAssignment()。
    • Call BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState with SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_AVAILABLE.
    • Setup TTL timer with the TTL of the SubscribeEventgroupAck entry.
      使用SubscribeEventgroupAck entry的TTL设置TTL计时器。
  • If a Service Discovery Message contains only a SubscribeEventgroupNack entry but no SubscribeEventgroupAck entry for the same Eventgroup, Service Discovery shall do the following:
    如果服务发现消息仅包含SubscribeEventgroupNack entry但不包含同一事件组的SubscribeEventgroupAck entry,则Service Discovery将执行以下操作:
    • Report the DEM error SD_E_SUBSCR_NACK_RECV (and restart the TCP connection (if applicable)
      报告DEM错误SD_E_SUBSCR_NACK_RECV 并重新启动TCP连接(如果适用)
    • call the API SoAd_CloseSoCon()with parameter abort set to TRUE to close all socket connections associated to this service instance
      将参数abort设置为TRUE并调用API SoAd_CloseSoCon()以关闭与此服务实例关联的所有套接字连接
    • call the API SoAd_OpenSoCon() to reopen all socket connections associated to this service instance
      调用API SoAd_OpenSoCon()以重新打开与此服务实例关联的所有套接字连接
  • If the Service Discovery Module receives a StopOfferService Entry, the following step(s) shall be performed in the following order:
    • Stop the TTL timers of this Client Service Instance and all related Consumed Eventgroups.
      停止此客户端服务实例和所有相关的Consumed Eventgroup的TTL计时器。
    • Report this Client Service as DOWN if it was reported AVAILABLE before (call BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState with SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN and the Client Service’s handle ID)
    • Report all Consumed Eventgroups as DOWN that were reported AVAILABLE before (call BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState with SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN and the Consumed Eventgroup’s handle ID).
      将之前报告为AVAILABLE的所有Consumed Eventgroup报告为DOWN(使用SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN和Consumed Eventgroups的句柄ID调用BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState)。
    • Close all Socket Connections associated with this Client Service Instance that have been opened before.
    • Stay in Main Phase and do not send FindService entries.
  • If Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg() is called with a state other than “TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED” while being in Main Phase:
    如果在主阶段中调用Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg() 时状态不是“TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED”:
    • The Down Phase shall be entered. 应进入Down Phase。
    • “SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN” shall be indicated to the BswM module by calling the API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState(), if the present state is SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_AVAILABLE.
      如果当前状态为SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_AVAILABLE,则应通过调用API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState()向BswM模块指示“SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN”。
    • “SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN” shall be indicated to the BswM module by calling the API BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState() for all associated ConsumedEventgroups, if the present state is SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_AVAILABLE.
      如果当前状态为SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_AVAILABLE,则应通过为所有关联的ConsumedEventgroup调用API BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState()向BswM模块表明“SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN”。
  • If the TCP/IP connection has been lost (Socket connection is other than SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE), the Service Discovery Module shall leave the Main Phase, enter the Wait Phase, and stop the TTL timers of the associated Client Service Instances and EventGroups.
    如果TCP / IP连接丢失(套接字连接不是SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE),服务发现模块应离开主阶段,进入等待阶段,并停止相关客户端服务实例和事件组的TTL定时器。
  • The Service Discovery Module shall stay in the Main Phase as long as the following conditions apply:
    • Client Service is needed (i.e. Sd_ClientServiceSetState()has been called with State “SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_REQUESTED”)
    • IP address assigned and can be used (i.e. Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg has been called with status TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED).
  • The Service Discovery Module shall leave the Main Phase and enter the state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN if at least one of the listed conditions described as above does not apply any more.
  • If the Client goes DOWN which is indicated by a call of Sd_ClientServiceSetState () with State “SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_RELEASED” while all other conditions listed in SWS_SD_00375 still apply, the Service Discovery module shall perform the following steps:
    如果客户端进入DOWN,这是通过调用状态为“SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_RELEASED”的API Sd_ClientServiceSetState()引发的,而SWS_SD_00375(上页)中列出的所有其他条件仍然适用,则服务发现模块应执行以下步骤:
    • Enter the Down Phase and indicate the state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState ().
      进入Down Phase并通过调用API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState()向BswM指示状态SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN。
    • For all subscribed eventgroups of this Client Service,
      • a StopSubscribeEventgroup shall be sent
      • the status shall be set to SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN and reported to BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState().
        状态应设置为SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN并通过调用API BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState()报告给BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState(),
  • If the Consumed Event Group is not requested anymore as indicated by a call of Sd_ConsumedEventGroupSetState with state SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_RELEASED, the Service Discovery module shall perform the following steps for the consumed event group:
    如果通过调用状态为SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_RELEASED的Sd_ConsumedEventGroupSetState表明不再请求Consumed Event Group ,则服务发现模块将对Consumed Event Group执行以下步骤:
    • A StopSubscribeEventgroup shall be sent.
    • The status shall be set to SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN and be reported to BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState(), if the status is not currently SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN.
  • If the TTL Timer of a Client Service expires, the Service Discovery module shall perform the following steps:
    • Enter the Initial Wait Phase and indicate the state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState ().
      输入初始等待阶段,并通过调用API BswM_Sd_ClientServiceCurrentState()向BswM提供状态信息SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_DOWN。
    • All subscribed Eventgroups of this Client Service shall expired in this instance (stop TTL timer) and the expiration shall be handled as describe in SWS_SD_00601.
  • If the TTL Timer of an Eventgroup expires, the Service Discovery module shall perform the following step(s):
    • The status shall be set to SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN and reported to BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState().
      状态应设置为SD_CONSUMED_EVENTGROUP_DOWN,并通过调用API BswM_Sd_ConsumedEventGroupCurrentState()报告给BswM。
  • When the Main Phase is left,
    • The API SoAd_DisableSpecificRouting()shall be called for all Socket Connections associated with this Client Service ID that have been opened before.
      应为之前打开过的与此客户端服务ID关联的所有套接字连接调用API SoAd_DisableSpecificRouting。
    • Close all Socket Connections associated with this Client Service Instance that have been opened before.

04Mar 2020
  • When the Repetition Phase is entered, the Service Discovery Module shall start the timer SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsBaseDelay ⌋()
  • When the timer SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsBaseDelay expires within the Repetition Phase, a FindOffer Message shall be sent. ⌋()
  • In the Repetition Phase up to SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax FindServer entries shall be sent with doubling intervals (BaseDelay, first FindService Entry, 2x BaseDelay, second FindService Entry, 4x BaseDelay, third FindService Entry, …).
    在重复阶段,直到SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax FindServer条目应以双倍间隔发送(BaseDelay,第一个FindService条目,2x BaseDelay,第二个FindService条目,4x BaseDelay,第三个FindService条目,……)。
  • Note: Example config and resulting behavior (no OfferService received during example):


[Initial Wait Phase starts]
Wait Initial Wait Delay based on Configured Min and Max
Send entry.
[Initial Wait Phase ends]

[Repetition Phase starts]
Wait 30ms (=30ms * 20).
Send entry.

Wait 60ms (=30ms * 21).
Send entry.

Wait 120ms (=30ms * 22).
Send entry.
[Repetition Phase ends]

  • If the Service Discovery Module receives an OfferService Entry while the current state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_REQUESTED is for this Client Service Instance, the following step(s) shall be performed in the following order:
    • Cancel the repetition timer.
    • If received TTL is not equal to the max value, set the TTL timer for this entry to the received TTL value.
    • Open TCP connection if SdClientServiceTcpRef is configured and was not opened before.
    • Leave the Repetition Phase immediately and enter the Main Phase.
  • After sending the maximum repetitions (defined by SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax) of FindService entries, the Repetition Phase shall be left and the Main Phase shall be entered.
  • If Sd_ClientServiceSetState()is called with state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_RELEASED while being in Repetition Phase, this phase shall be left and the service instance shall enter Down Phase.
    如果在处于Repetition阶段时使用状态SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_RELEASED调用Sd_ClientServiceSetState(),则应离开此阶段,并且服务实例应进入Down Phase。
  • If Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg() is called with a state other than “TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED” while being in Repetition Phase the Down Phase shall be entered.
    如果在处于Repetition阶段时使用“TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED”以外的状态调用Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg(),则应输入Down Phase。
  • If the TCP/IP connection has been lost (Socket connection is other than SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE), the Service Discovery Module shall leave the Repetition Phase, enter the Wait Phase, and stop the TTL timers of the associated Client Service Instances and EventGroups.
    如果TCP / IP连接丢失(套接字连接不是SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE),服务发现模块应离开Repetition阶段,进入Wait阶段,并停止相关客户端服务实例和事件组的TTL定时器。
04Mar 2020
  • If the following conditions apply, the Initial Wait Phase for this configured Client Service Instance shall be entered:
    如果满足以下条件,则应进入此已配置客户端服务实例的Initial Wait Phase
    • Sd_Init() has been called.
    • Sd_ClientServiceSetState() with SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_REQUESTED has been called OR SdClientServiceAutoRequired = TRUE.
      已调用状态为SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_REQUESTED的Sd_ClientServiceSetState()或SdClientServiceAutoRequired = TRUE。
    • Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg() with state “TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED” has been called for the first IpAddrId associated with the SdInstanceTxPdu.
  • When the Initial Wait Phase is entered, the API SoAd_EnableSpecificRouting() shall be called with SdClientServiceActivationRef (see SdConsumedMethods) and the relevant Socket Connections for this Client Service Instance.
    进入Initial Wait Phase后,应使用SdClientServiceActivationRef(请参阅SdConsumedMethods)和此客户端服务实例的相关套接字连接调用API SoAd_EnableSpecificRouting()。
  • When a OfferService for a required Client Service is received and SoAd_OpenSoCon()was not called before, the API SoAd_OpenSoCon() shall be called for all Socket Connections associated with this Client Service Instance.
    当收到所需客户端服务的OfferService并且之前未调用SoAd_OpenSoCon()时,API SoAd_OpenSoCon()应被调用,以满足此客户端服务实例关联的所有套接字连接的需要。
  • This Client Service Instance shall stay in the Initial Wait Phase for a time within the configured range of SdClientTimerInitialFindDelayMin and SdClientTimerInitialFindDelayMax unless an OfferService entry for this Client Service Instance is received or this random timer expires.
    此客户端服务实例应在SdClientTimerInitialFindDelayMin和SdClientTimerInitialFindDelayMax的配置范围内保持初始等待阶段一段时间,除非收到对此客户端服务实例的OfferService entry或此随机计时器到期。
  • If an OfferService Entry for this Client Service Instance is received within the Initial Wait Phase,
    如果在初始等待阶段内收到此客户服务实例的OfferService entry,
    • The calculated random timer, which has been started when entering the Initial Wait Phase, shall be canceled.
    • If received TTL is not equal to the max value, set the TTL timer for this entry to the received TTL value.
    • Open TCP connection if SdClientServiceTcpRef is configured and was not opened before.
    • Leave the Initial Wait Phase Enter the Main Phase.
  • When the calculated random timer based on the parameters SdClientTimerInitialFindDelayMin and SdClientTimerInitialFindDelayMax expires (i.e. no OfferService has been received within this timespan), the following shall be done in the following order:
    • FindService Entry shall be sent.
      应发送FindService Entry
    • If the SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax>0, enter the Repetition Phase
      如果SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax> 0,则进入重复阶段
    • If the SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax=0, enter the Main Phase
      如果SdClientTimerInitialFindRepetitionsMax = 0,则进入主阶段
  • If Sd_ClientServiceSetState() is called with state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_RELEASED while being in Initial Wait Phase, this phase shall be left and the Service shall enter Down Phase.
    如果在初始等待阶段使用状态SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_RELEASED调用Sd_ClientServiceSetState(),则服务应离开此阶段并进入Down Phase。
  • If for any reasons the Initial Wait Phase is left, the calculated random timer (of the Initial Wait Phase) for this Service Instance shall be stopped.
  • If Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg() is called with a state other than “TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED” while being in Initial Wait Phase, the Down Phase shall be entered.
  • If the API Sd_Init() is called while being in Initial Wait Phase, the Down Phase shall be entered.
    如果在初始等待阶段调用API Sd_Init(),则应进入Down阶段。

04Mar 2020

Timings and repetitions for Client Service and Consumed Eventgroups

  • The Service Discovery phases allow minimizing the number of Service Discovery messages sent while allowing for very fast synchronization upon ECU start.
    Service Discovery各阶段允许最小化发送的Service Discovery消息的数量,同时允许在ECU启动时进行非常快速的同步
  • This de-emphasis is realized by the following Phases:
    • Down
    • Requested
      • Initial Wait Phase
      • Repetition Phase
      • Main Phase

Down Phase for Client Services

  • As long as a service is not requested by the BswM, the Service Discovery shall not send FindService Entry entries.
    只要BswM没有请求服务, Service Discovery就不应发送FindService Entry。
  • If an OfferService Entry is received during Down Phase,
    如果在Down阶段收到OfferService entry,
    • The Service Discovery shall store the state of this Service instance.
    • A timer shall be set/reset to the TTL value of the received OfferService entry (TTL timer).
    • Until the TTL Timer expires or a StopOfferService entry is received, the Service instance is considered Available.
  • If Sd_ClientServiceSetState() is called with state SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_REQUESTED while being in Down Phase:
    如果在处于Down Phase状态时调用状态为SD_CLIENT_SERVICE_REQUESTED的API Sd_ClientServiceSetState():
    • If no OfferService entry was received before or its TTL timer expired already:
      • The Initial Wait Phase shall be entered,
    • If an OfferService entry was received and its TTL timer did not expire yet:
      • If SoAd_OpenSoCon() was not called before, the API SoAd_OpenSoCon() shall be called for all Socket Connections associated with this Client Service Instance.
        如果之前未调用SoAd_OpenSoCon(),则应为与此客户端服务实例关联的所有套接字连接调用API SoAd_OpenSoCon()。
      • The API SoAd_EnableSpecificRouting() shall be called with SdClientServiceActivationRef (see SdConsumedMethods) and the relevant Socket Connections for this Client Service Instance.
        应使用SdClientServiceActivationRef(请参阅SdConsumedMethods)和此客户端服务实例的相关套接字连接来调用API SoAd_EnableSpecificRouting()。
      • Open TCP connection if SdClientServiceTcpRef is configured and was not opened before.
      • The Main Phase shall be entered.

04Mar 2020

Timings and repetitions for Server Service and Event Handlers


  • When the Down Phase is entered (coming from states other than init), the API SoAd_CloseSoCon() shall be called for all Socket Connections associated with this Server Service Instance.
    当进入Down Phase(来自init以外的状态)时,应为与此Server Service Instance相关联的所有Socket Connections调用API SoAd_CloseSoCon()。
  • When the calculated random timer expires and the parameter
    • SdServerTimerInitialOfferRepetitionsMaxdoes not equals ‘0’, the Repetition Phase shall be entered.
    • SdServerTimerInitialOfferRepetitionsMaxequal ‘0’, the Main Phase shall be entered.
  • If Sd_ServerServiceSetState() is called with a state other than SD_SERVER_SERVICE_AVAILABLE while being in Initial Wait Phase:
    • Enter the Down Phase.
    • Set all associated EventHandler to SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED and report it to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState.
      将所有关联的EventHandler设置为SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED,并通过调用API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState将其报告给BswM。
    • Cancle all relevant timers for service instance.
  • If Sd_ServerServiceSetState() is called with a state other than SD_SERVER_SERVICE_AVAILABLE (i.e. SD_SERVER_SERVICE_DOWN ) while being in Repetition Phase.
    • Leave this phase and enter the Down Phase.
      离开此阶段并进入Down Phase.
    • Send a StopOfferService.
    • All associated EventHandler which state is not SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED shall be changed to SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED and indicated to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState().
      所有相关的EventHandler,如果状态不是SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED都应更改为SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED,并通过调用API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState()指示给BswM。
  • If Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg() is called with a state other than “TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED” while being in Repetition Phase, this phase shall be left and the Down Phase shall be entered.
  • If the TCP/IP connection has been lost (Socket connection is other than SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE), the Service Discovery Module shall leave the Repetition Phase and enter the Wait Phase.
    如果TCP / IP连接丢失(套接字连接不是SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE),则服务发现模块应离开Repetition阶段并进入Wait阶段。
  • The Service Discovery Module shall stay in the Main Phase for the configured Server Service as long as the following conditions apply:
    • Server Service is in state “AVAILABLE” (i.e. Sd_ServerServiceSetState()has been called with State “SD_SERVER_SERVICE_AVAILABLE”)
    • IP address is assigned and can be used (i.e. Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg has been called with status TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED)
  • If the API LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg has been called with a state other than TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED
    如果使用TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED以外的状态调用API LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg
    • The Service Discovery Module shall leave the Main Phase and enter the DOWN Phase
    • All EventHandler which are not in state SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED shall be set to SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED and be indicated to the BswM module by calling the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState ⌋()
      所有未处于SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED状态的EventHandler都应设置为SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED并通过调用API BswM_ Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState报告给BswM模块
  • If the TCP/IP connection has been lost (Socket connection is other than SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE), the Service Discovery Module shall leave the Main Phase and enter the Wait Phase
    如果TCP / IP连接丢失(套接字连接不是SOAD_SOCON_ONLINE),则服务发现模块应离开Main阶段并进入Wait阶段。
  • If the API Server Sd_ServerServiceSetState() is called with state “SD_SERVER_SERVICE_DOWN” while the IP address is still assigned (i.e. Sd_LocalIpAddrAssignmentChg has been called with state TCPIP_IPADDR_STATE_ASSIGNED), the Service Discovery module shall.
    • send a StopOfferService
    • enter the DOWN Phase
    • all subscriptions of the eventgroup(s) of this service instance shall be deleted and SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED and reported to BswM using the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState
      应删除此服务实例的事件组的所有订阅,并使用API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState将SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED报告给BswM

03Mar 2020

Timings and repetitions for Server Service and Event Handlers

Eventgroup received

  • If a SubscribeEventgroup Entry or StopSubscribeEventgroup Entry are received within the Initial Wait Phase (or other phases) for an Event Handler of this Server Service Instance, it shall only be processed within the Service Discovery. Please refer to the according sequence diagrams and section 7.6.4.
    如果在此服务器服务实例的事件处理程序的Initial Wait Phase (或其他阶段)内收到了SubscribeEventgroup Entry或StopSubscribeEventgroup Entry,则只能在Service Discovery中处理它。

“SubscribeEventgroup” entry received:

  • Send a SubscribeEventgroupAck / Nack entry using Unicast considering the appropriate delay without changing the current counter value and without influencing the current running repetition timer/repetition phase or timer/main phase.
    考虑适当的延迟, 使用Unicast发送SubscribeEventgroupAck / Nack entry, 且不改变当前Counter值,也不影响当前运行的timer。
  • Call the BswM with the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState() with state SD_EVENT_HANDLER_REQUESTED only if the state for this EventHandler changed (i.e. has not been SD_EVENT_HANDLER_REQUESTED) .
    仅当此此EventHandler的状态改变(即尚不是SD_EVENT_HANDLER_REQUESTED)时,将状态SD_EVENT_HANDLER_REQUESTED赋值给API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState() 并通知BswM。
  • Start the TTL timer according to the value received via the SubscribeEventgroup Entry.
    按照通过SubscribeEventgroup Entry获取的值启动TTL计时器。

“SubscribeEventgroup” entry received:

  • If the TTL of a received SubscribeEventgroup Entry expires, the following step shall be performed in the following order:
    如果收到的SubscribeEventgroup Entry的TTL到期,则按以下顺序执行以下步骤:
  • If this has been the last subscribed client, report “SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED” to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState() and update the state within the Service Discovery Module.
    如果这是最后一个订阅的客户端,则通过调用API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState()将状态更新为 “SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED”,并报告给BswM报告。

StopSubscribeEventgroup Entry:

  • Stop the TTL timer for this client
  • Update State
  • If this has been the last subscribed client, report “SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED” to the BswM by calling the API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState()
    如果这是最后一个订阅的客户端,则通过调用API BswM_Sd_EventHandlerCurrentState()更新状态为” SD_EVENT_HANDLER_RELEASED”并报告给BswM

03Mar 2020

Timings and repetitions for Server Service and Event Handlers

Find” entry received

In repetition phase:

Send an “OfferService Entry” considering the appropriate delay without changing the current counter value and without influencing the current running repetition timer.
在不改变当前counter值且不影响当前运行的重复计时器的情况下,考虑适当的延迟, 发送“OfferService Entry”。

Note: Currently this specification does not allow sending “FindService Entries” using unicast. For compatibility reasons receiving such entries shall be supported.

In Main Phase:

Send an “OfferService Entry” considering the appropriate delay .
考虑适当的延迟,发送“OfferService Entry” 。

Note: Currently this specification does not allow sending “FindService Entries” using unicast. For compatibility reasons receiving such entries shall be supported.